Saturday, May 5, 2012

I forgot about this... Can't believe I forgot about this...

I wanted to post this. I'm cleaning my out my e-mails, and I really forgot about this. I want to save it. Here it is:

Hi Yvonne, yes I still go there... I can't tell the people I live with that they are wrong...

I'm an Au Pair/ nanny, so, yes, I'm working... Hopefully I'll be back home in the next few months...

I heard that the area you live in has a lot of mormons... met a lady this week that went on her mission in Pietermaritzburg...

It's hard to tell people that everything they believe in is fiction...

Bye for now,
Anette Snyman

From: Mormonism and Biblical Truth
To: Anette Snyman
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 10:59:52 PM
Subject: Re: Why I left...


I'm in Howick, which is between Ladysmith and Pietermaritzburg.

Are you still going to the LDS church?

It sounds as though you are good at verbal confrontation.

Are you working?

God bless,

----- Original Message -----
From: Anette Snyman
To: Mormonism and Biblical Truth
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: Why I left...


I started the blog... wrote 3 times, and then decided it's going to take to long to go through BOM and question everything... My idea was to take every chapter and discuss it, but that would take more than 200 days. So, I'm not doing that, I'm not really a long term plan person, a few weeks, yes, but not years... That's almost a year.

So, I deleted everything. Now, I'm still thinking about how I'm going to do it... I convinced a Mormon guy this week that his church was false... He served a mission a few years ago, and I told him about JS's false prophecies and hat God has to say about that... and I told him about false prophecies made by other "prophets", like the God is Adam prophecy... Then I told him bout the Archeological problems there are, like food, animals, clothing, warfare, etc... And he was astonished, I told him about how BOM contradicts with PoGP and both of them contradict with D&C... And then I asked him the question, I mentioned it before... "Who is lying JS or Jesus and his desciples?"

He kept quiet and then changed the subject. Hahahaha!

So, I'm in Idaho at the moment, where are you?
Bye for now,
Anette Snyman

From: Mormonism and Biblical Truth
To: Anette Snyman
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 3:01:18 AM
Subject: Re: Why I left...

Hello Anette,

It was sooo good to hear from you.

I have a lot of relatives in the Transvaal (my dad's family farmed in Krugersdorp originally, and then were in Tzaneen until recently, and I have cousins in Pretoria).

I'm originally from Durban, lived at Kloof, Natal during my marriage (my husband died when I was 49) then I moved back to Durban. I've settled down now in Howick, which is a very Christian town. It's full of churches that are all overflowing, but no LDS church. (They're in Pietermaritzburg.)

I'm a third or fourth generation South African. (Can you believe it, my granny sold Orange Grove in the Transvaal for two shillings and sixpence!)

Both my grandfathers fought in the Boer War, one on each side. My maternal grandfather had a reward on his head, offered by the British (he was in the boer commandoes). So in order to avoid arrest, he had to change his name. And although my paternal grandfather fought for the British, his wife was of Dutch extraction and couldn't speak English. So the British burned down their farm and put her (heavily pregnant) into a concentration camp, where they died like flies, and where my father was born.

It's good to hear your enthusiasm about letting the Mormons know the real truth, just bubbling over. You have what it takes. But it's a difficult ministry, and I've discovered that a great many folk who have been profoundly affected by your testimony and teaching, don't bother to let you know. They just stop going to the LDS.

And then there are those special cases that make it all worth while. One guy who wrote to me a long time ago, was a Christadelphian. He thought Mormonism might be a good idea and wanted me to tell him all about it. But instead I told him all about Jesus. We corresponded just for a couple of months and then he drifted away. Two years later he wrote to thank me, telling me that he was involved in a very deep walk with the Lord, and was a member of a Bible believing church!!!!!

Then another young woman who was brilliant, and was studying law, left the LDS, joined a Baptist church, then a year later gave up the law, and went to Bible College instead, as she'd decided to become a full time missionary. Wow!!!!!

What is really encouraging is the fact that ministries like yours reveal the truth to those who are contemplating joining the LDS, and are just looking around the web for confirmation. Few of those let you know that you have saved them from deception and an eternity of regret. In one instance, however, a young woman at college wrote to me at her Christian mother's insistence, as she was planning to be baptized into Mormonism, and was going to set the date the following day. (She'd been convinced that it was Christianity.) I wrote a hurried response to her, giving her some sketchy details about their doctrine. She sent a strong email back, to say she was going to send those lying missionaries packing, when they came to her door.

I think a blog is a better idea than a website, and I'm sure you're going to be very effective. I don't think I could cope with a blog. How do you go about setting it up?

I've watched some of the videos from the links you gave me and will go through them all.

Regarding your discoveries about the boo boos in the BOM, the LDS has all the excuses needed to counteract those. I don't know if you're aware of their FARMS department, which exists solely to defend their many deceptions and errors. Mormons are indoctrinated so thoroughly that they swallow any load of tripe that is dished out to them, and they suck in everything that FARMS tells them. I've heard some absolutely ridiculous excuses, but what is even more ridiculous is that they actually believe them.

Another problem here is that they gain their testimonies through their own feelings (if you haven't read my article "The Mormon Testimony and Brainwashing," at , that explains it very well, and gives as an illustration, a case of one of their missionaries.)

It seems to me that because of their testimony and indoctrination, they subconsciously feel slighted when you try to explain to them that Mormonism is a deception, as deep down inside they feel that they themselves are being attacked, because when push comes to shove it is their feelings that are being questioned. So it's a personal thing. And you know how "self" hates to be dethroned.

Regarding the BOM, Lehi, horses and elephants that didn't exist; Archeologists have pointed out that the many animals that are known to have inhabited the ancient Americas during BOM times, are not mentioned at all in the BOM. Amazing.

The problem is that people generally believe what they want to believe.

Please keep me updated about how your blog is getting on.

God bless, and stay well,

----- Original Message -----
From: Anette Snyman
To: Mormonism and Biblical Truth
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: Why I left...


Yes, I'm from pretoria. Well, thanx for the websites. There's another interesting fact. In BOM they say that Lehi built a temple... According to the Jews, temples are only allowed to be built in Jerusalem... Secondly, BOM states that Lehi's sons worked in the temple and got the authority from Moses. Again, according to the Jews, only direct linear discendants of Aaron were allowed to work in the temple...

Its a great book, very emotional and very descriptive... but, a load of crap...


My dad told me, nothing can seperate us from the love of God, and it's true. We will always find him. As for their apostacy theory, I believe it was Martin Luther that restored the church, and he exposed the Catholic church for what they were.

There's a lot of mistakes in BOM, another being, JS wrote that Lehi saw horses and elephants when they came to the "promised land"... The place were this supposedly took place was the amazon, so, firstly, the first horses got into South America when the Spanish came, second, there are no elephants in North or South America. So, maybe it was then Asia or Africa, but how did the mystical Golden Plates then get to NY? And in BOM they supposedly had huge wars... Thousands of people... Riding with horsecarts, if there were no horses, what did they ride with? Llama's? Then regarding the population, the one war in BOM had over 6 thousand soldiers from the Nephites and over 12 thousand from the Laminites. The BOM says that the people had metal armor, swords, etc. And they also had a coinage system, fine silks and materials, and the people were renouned for their mashineary... No where can skeletons be found of these thousands of soldiers, also not their pyligamist wives, or children... So in account, they were talking about (let's say) 12 000 nephites and 24 000 Laminites. Archeologysts found absolutely no swords or armor or coins anywhere in South America, the people of those times didn't use it... There are also no silkworms or "fine silks" anywhere. Also, how can 10 people (Lehi, his wife, 4 sons, and 4 wives), produce a population of thousands of people within a few decades? Oh, and here's a good one... A prophecy was made in BOM, saying that the Missiah would be born in Jerusalem.

We all know Jesus was born in Bethlehem... Oops!

I asked a mormon, the D&C says that God has a body of flesh and bone, but John the Babtist said God is spirit... Who's not telling the truth? JS or a disciple of Christ himself? all the so called prophets have their own prophecies, none of them are true... The one guy said God was Adam... And then the next one said, that wasn't true... There's the proof... Deutronomy states that if someone comes forward and says he is a prophet from God and makes prophecies, and the DON'T come true, it is a false prophet. Well, there you go! They're all false prophets, following a church that was started by a Free Mason. If you didn't know that part, go google Joseph Smith - Free Mason. They have a lot of stuff (like temple ordinances) that JS put in the church, the same time that the Free Masons started their own ordinances... Dates are the same...

Anyway... Did you watch those videos? that's were I gotmost of my information from...

Talk again.

Oh, where in SA are you from?

Bye for now,
Anette Snyman

From: Mormonism and Biblical Truth
To: Anette Snyman
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 1:21:07 PM
Subject: Re: Why I left...

Hi Anette,

Thanks for your interesting testimony. It just goes to show that once you've been saved, no one can take you out of Christ's hand!

In answer to your question, I'm an old lady now, 73, but have discovered that age doesn't matter when it comes to Christian fellowship, because of the deep bonding in Christ.

I was wondering, because of your name and the fact that you had belonged to the Dutch Reformed Church, if you had come from S.A? (I'm South African.)

Regarding the LDS deception about their so-called priesthood authority, there are two fairly short articles on my website that you might find helpful. They're "The LDS Authority Teaching Has No Basis" and "The LDS Priesthood is Unbiblical." You'll find them by following these links:

Your drinking coffee gave me a good laugh (I love coffee), and reminded me of an excellent Christian blog called Mormon Coffee, at which is run by Mormon Research Ministry. (Bill McKeever, whose blog it is, is highly respected in Christian circles, and has written quite a few books on Mormonism.)

What is the name of your blog? I'd like to visit.

God bless,

----- Original Message -----
From: Anette Snyman
To: Mormonism and Biblical Truth
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Why I left...


Thank you for your quick reply.

Well 3 months ago I came to Boise Idaho, 30% of the Christian here are Mormon, not that I think they are Christian... I was introduced to the church and attracted to the friendly faces, and their kind and sincere hearts. On July 19th 2009 I got baptized, not fully believing in the LDS church, God has blessed me with an investigative brain. Well, for one, I didn't believe that God had a body of flesh and bone. I struggled to wrap my mind around the fact that Jesus walked in America, and then there was the lack of evidence around this, except for "pray and ask the Lord if what we said was true". I got baptized, because I am a sinner, and I needed a fresh start, my parents assured me that there is no harm in getting baptized again, as I was brought up in a Dutch Reformed church, basically Luther and Calvin church... I was baptized as a baby. My Bible knowledge is good, not great, but I can distinguish between good and evil, because my parents brought me up with the one and only book of God. And the word was God. John 1.

Anyway, I got on the Internet and I searched for evidence that the LDS church was true, and I cried when I found those videos, and the others that I am yet to send. I thought to myself, "I sold my soul to the Devil, I got baptized in a false church". Now I have the need to get baptized again, by someone who knows wrong from right. There is something else that bothers me tremendously, and that is that LDS preaches about priesthood authority, and that the hands have to be laid upon you, the who gave JS authority? You have to watch those videos and tell me what you think, I'm telling you, God is everywhere, even Youtube.

I've always been a strong believer, when I went to the LDS church, something was itching inside me, the same feeling you get before you tell a lie, or any other sin. Something felt wrong. And then I heard the prophecies of McConkie, and I laughed, and then I heard Hinkley, and I laughed. I felt relieved to know that God did not forsake me, although I was blinded by false prophets.

And I found your website, thank you for being what you are and doing what you do.

And I know that the spirit binds us together, as was promised by Jesus, I can feel the happiness in you knowing that I have been saved from a false church, and I feel the same about you. We both feel sad for those who hold the BOM, D&C, and PoGP closer as we try to help them. Especially because they are good people, they are God's people, being mislead by Satan, who got hold of a teenage boy to do witchcraft, and mislead God's people. For that is all that matters on this earth, who do you believe in? Where's your heart?

See, you might think this is funny, I didn't know about the word of wisdom, when I met the missionaries, I thought I might befriend them, and asked them out for a movie or a cup of coffee. I started drinking coffee again last week, because I wish to oppose all that is LDS. I don't fold my arms when I pray, I don't say Heavenly Father or Eternal Father, I call Him God Almighty, just because Mormons call him that. I know now that Jesus Christ, who died for my sins, never visited America. There was no Nephi or Lehi, or Laminites or Nephites. The videos, I'm going to emphasize, YOU HAVE TO SEE IT, AND IF YOU ARE ALLOWED TO, POST IT ON YOUR WEB PAGE! The videos consist of evidence for the Bible, the people who decided to make the documentary where LDS, I think, some of them anyway. The go into archeology, and they show you how fictional the Book of Mormon is, all LDS people have to see that videos. We need to get missionaries and show it to LDS people, seeing that there are 14 million of them across the globe.

You are allowed to publish all of this on your website, I have nothing to hide, except that I still attend the LDS church, I live with Mormons, they have been good to me these last 3 months, we do it as a "family", and then I sit and grind my teeth in church, I read my Bible to distract me of their lies, to bring me closure. I was not as "brainwashed" as you, but it hurts like hell when you find out you have been misled. I forgive them, like Jesus said... They don't know what they're doing.

So, I also started a blog, which is going to take me forever, just to question everything that is written in all Mormon Doctrine. So much work, I feel like Ruth, I can't keep up, too much work, not enough time, and then we wipe out our eyes, and we're old. I'm only 22, but the work God has instore for me must be a lot, I know too much to sit still and keep quiet.

By the way, how old are you?

Anyway, looks like this is going to be another all-nighter, I have a million things to do, please write back, will write you again.
Bye for now,
Anette Snyman

From: Mormonism and Biblical Truth
To: Anette Snyman
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 11:29:19 PM
Subject: Re: Why I left...

Hello Anette,

Thanks for your kind words, and also for the links. I will follow them up.

Regarding Proverbs 28:26 that you mentioned, I found that scripture particularly useful in my article "The Mormon Testimony and Brainwashing," which you may enjoy reading at this link:

I'm looking forward to reading your testimony. It's always good to hear of someone who has risen above Mormonism's very effective indoctrination.

Yvonne Gibbs

----- Original Message -----
From: Anette Snyman
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 2:20 AM
Subject: Why I left...

I will write you another e-mail, but for now, please go see:

This is a documentary on the History behind the BOM... It really opens ur eyes...

I also want to thank you, your website is extremely helpful.

I also heard something very important, when Jesus hang on the cross, he said "it is finished" - John 19:30

Nowhere has Jesus ever said that he will visit other people, or hoped that the other people might be kind to Him. He is part of the Godhead, and knew what was going to happen, if He was to come to America, he would have prophesiesed it. God doesn't keep secrets, and he also won't leave us in the dark. Also, Mormons believe you should pray and your "feeling" would give you an answer, go read Proverbs 28:26.

The Bible is the only true book from God, with the Torah, as it is the OT.

The video links I gave you takes about an hour and a half to watch through, but it will only confirm that the Mormon church is one of Satan, made to lead God's people away from Him. I have more videos, which confirms what you have written on your website is true:

Go to Derengowski's webpage on youtube, he has all his video's there. I have written to him, and he told me that he is a college teacher of World Religions, he is also Christian.

Have fun with those, it opened my eyes. I will send my story shortly, it's not a big story...

Bye for now,
Anette Snyman

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