Monday, May 24, 2010

On my mark!

Well, I said last time that I was going to start going to the gym and diet and study, well, its starting tomorrow.

I'm about to go to bed, I've set my alarm, made my breakfast, and my last assignment for this semester is due in 3 days. Oops. At least I've started this time...

My dad's constant moaning and arguing isn't making it easier, its not motivating me at all.

So, to motivate me even further, I'm going to start a MS Excel spreadsheet to keep track of what I've done everyday. Statistics always motivate me.

A performance rating might just keep me setting the tone at the top.

Another thing that bugs me is my stupid geyser that keeps on breaking, and when it works I need to rush to stay at the 5 minute limit of hot water that it gives me, today was 2 minutes... Aye!

And then I did some research again, the thing is everyone is eating wrong. I wish I could always remember everything, it would make my life so much easier. The food pyramid is something that we all learn in Grade 4, yet we don't abide by it. I eat way too much meat and fats. I eat enough bread, and then lastly, I don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. And then all the alcohol might also be a bad thing for my body, so after I finish detoxing, I should really stabilize my diet.

The big portions I eat, well, we all eat is also ridiculous. Your stomach is only supposed to be as big as your fist, so eating a whole plate, or two in my case is about 4-6 times the amount I should be eating. No wonder I don't fit into my clothes anymore.

Eat less. Eat healthier.

And then... Concerning the love life... There's a new guy that has a crush on me, and I think I'll go for it because, well, he's only staying in Pretoria for another month and a half, before he goes back home to Hermanus.

He sent me the cutest text. He might be worth it. He's definitely old enough... He's nine years older than I am.

Fingers crossed!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tears from the Earth

"God has left Africa" - Bruce Willis, Tears of the Sun.

I am really passionate when it comes to politics and problems in the world. It just seems that I'm a pacifist when it comes to making changes. And then I do tend to become a bit racists when it comes to watching the news and hearing "Tshwane" instead of "Pretoria".

That being said, I received an e-mail called "The death of Johannesburg", and I wanted to cry. All the beautiful buildings that once were very classy, are all now filthy, burnt down, broken, and infested with low life, "I can't help myself" humans.

So, I have more plans in my future. I want to buy old, ran-down, broken houses and buildings, restore them to their historic glory, or make them modern.

I don't know the business of selling houses, nor have I studied architecture, but luckily you can hire people these days. So, fighting crime and making the world look better is hopefully in my destiny.

I truly think that if I can buy old houses and buildings, I can renovate them, make them safe, beautiful, and maybe, if there are 3 meter walls around a house, bring down crime.

Financing will be a problem... For now...

And then, the last thing I would really really really really like to buy is ESKOM. Researchers say that in 2012 there will be no electricity in South Africa, yet they have the resources to start building nuclear power stations. I don't know much about nuclear power stations, other than it is extremely expensive to build, and that it works on Uranium or something, which South Africa is rich in. Is it that hard to think?

Same goes for Sasol. Bio fuel has already been developed in South Africa, which is better for the environment, and your car... Although Bio fuel still has petrol in it, its a lot less. And if Sasol can pull their fingers out of their arses, maybe our country can be completely independent. It would be nice having not to import petrol from England and USA, which in effect can make us a richer country, and then maybe the government can start fixing municipal problems and build houses as promised for 16 years now.

And then when it comes to the farmers and their farms, I always get sad when I look at a satellite image of South Africa. It just seems that our Kalahari desert is eating its way into our flora populated areas. In Hermanus people have a water filter that filters salt water to drinkable water. If this can be done in a greater scale, we can fill up our dams and rivers and maybe try and get the desert a bit wetter.

Global warming is taking place, but I don't believe that the poles will completely melt and that we will all be killed in a big flood. That myth happened in the Bible already.

Maybe I should run for President one day, then I can make sure that something good happens in this country.

Carte Blanche had a story about the poisonous water in the Western Cape. People are getting sick from the water, one man even contracted a flesh eating virus and lost a leg. How is this not addressed?

The state of our hospitals are also gruesome. The municipality is pathetic. The police service is corrupt. Our education system is becoming a joke. The last thing that makes me rage is the fact that a South African citizen can't get a working holiday visa anywhere nice anymore. The USA is nice, but I think Europe and Australia might be better.

If only I could change everything for the best. Starting with nuclear power stations and bio fuel, then tackling poverty and social circumstances. If standards were set higher in this country, things might get better. For instance, if the municipality had a timed obligation to fix problems like after a pothole or broken light got reported, it has to be fixed within 24 hours, there would be a lot less problems.

If hospitals had standards for their staff members, our hospitals would look a lot better. That being said, I think all hospitals should have lower rates and they should all look the same and have high quality service. Because that's what they are, they ARE service providers.

When it comes to crime, maybe there should be a law that obligates all shops to ask for ID's for purchases. But then shops need scanners for ID's. It would be an easy way to catch wanted persons. The bad thing would be that if the power went out, controls would not be able to be maintained. So, the correct systems should be in place to do it manually, and then if a cashier authorises a transaction with a stolen credit or debit card, they should also be taken to court, just because they are aiding the criminals.


All the outstanding work in the country... Unfortunately we can not depend on our president to see that our problems are sorted out.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Ha! So, after writing my previous blog, I got sick, so there's no gym for me. Which is sad, because I haven't gone in 3 weeks.

I've started on my next assignment, but I haven't started the diet thing yet. I think I need some inspiration. Who's body would I like to have? I really don't know.

That aside, I got a new nickname. Flame. It started with the Community Policing, the girl that works at Control, told me that there was a few rumours of me going around. The first one was that E60 and I had a romantic relationship and that he left me. Which is sad, because this is the same idiot who wrote on Facebook that he loved me. I laughed again.

The second rumour is that R1 and I have a flame for each other. The Control girl and I started making jokes about it, so we decided to nickname me Flame, and R1 Sparky. You need a spark to start a fire.

The funniest thing of all is now that Control girl and E60 have a thing going for 5 weeks now. She's using him, and I can't see why. He's a loser that tells lies to boast about himself. He's also one of those that is always right, and he's always better and smarter than the rest. She on the other hand, is smart, mature, independent, and extremely funny. But she doesn't want to be alone, and I can see how it works out for her.

E60 started saying "I love you" to her.

She laughed.

We're on the same page then...

So, my Sparky is leaving in 2 months, so, I'm thinking I should do the same. Just go out for the reason of not having to be lonely. He's funny and cute, I don't know him that well. But we'll see... Maybe we can give it a go.

R1, R2, Control girl, and I are going out to shoot some pool tonight. It can work.

Now, today I can go to bed at 23:00. I'll set my alarm. And then, I think I'll be well enough for yoga tomorrow morning.

I really have to get more active.

Patrolling is nice, but its not being active. We had some issues in the community the past few days. I saw a brand new BMW crashed against a tree on Friday, and we pulled over a drunk driver, and made him stay over at the control room until he was sober enough to drive. We had suspects jumping over fences on Saturday, and a burning tree to prove that there was a real flame in the neighbourhood.

Another funny joke that came out was when E60 said that everything was 10-20, instead of 10-4. Poor moron.

And Control Girl had her going away coffee and cake, and the cake was already cut. It just sounds right in afrikaans: die koek is alklaar gesny en dis 'n nat koek. The cake wasn't dry, so we had a lot of dirty jokes surrounding a poor, innocent, caramel cake.

The other jokes we had on Saturday was about a cat that kept on setting off an alarm. So, kicking and shooting the cat was a running joke that night. "Kat-skiet".

I'm still thinking about thinspiration for my diet needs. I really do need the inspiration and motivation.

Maybe I should start writing down my measurements and make myself targets. That can work...


I think I'll use her for now.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Getting Straight

It has come to my attention that I live the same life as a plant. Woohoo!

So, in order for me to become a human again, with activities and goals, I have decided to start my own 30-day activities plan.

In the next 7 days I want to finish my 4th assignment, which is due in 2 weeks. With that, I want to start a strict diet and exercise plan, seeing that I have 4 months worth of Herbalife products just sitting around, gathering dust, which is funny, because that's exactly what I'm doing... :P

I also have a sponsored gym membership that is going to waste if I don't use it.

My routine of going to bed at 4 am and waking up at 2 pm also needs to change.

Getting down to the point... I'm not going to improve myself by just thinking about it, so, I hereby swear to abide by my own NEW rules:

1. Wake up at 6:30.
2. Be at the gym at 08:00.
3. Use my Herbalife!
4. Write at least 3 pages for my studies each day.
5. Keep my house clean.
6. Keep my dad's house clean.
7. Go to the gym at 17:00.
8. Spend my normal hours on Facebook, just change the times.
9. Be in bed by 23:00.
10. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
11. Drink Multi-vitamins.

I think these are rules I can live by, I just need to start, so, starting Monday, I start a new routine.

Best of luck to me!

Another reason I need to do this is to actually pass the fitness test for the SAPS. Killing to birds with one stone may seem the way to go. If all else fails, I'll just go to the army for 2 years or so, weapons training is always a plus, and after they get me fit, I might actually stand a chance of getting into the SAPS, where I want to be at least for 3 years, just to gain the necessary experience to become a Private Detective or something, but I think my heart lies with being in the police. Homicide just seems more attractive than looking at paper all day.

And then after I'm done looking after myself, and making sure I'm comfortable in my own skin, I think I'll try getting comfortable with someone else's skin. ;)

Again... High hopes, little time.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Nothing lasts

I was looking closely to my mom the other day and saw that she was developing a granny neck. Her skin is dropping below her chin, and all I could think of was "please don't die". Dying is, unfortunately, not something we can run from.

Life is extremely fragile, we see it every day. Death and dying just seem to surround our universe. That is also regarding everything, animals, plants, people, feelings, and of course brain cells.

Speaking of feelings, the new love I thought I found turned out to be a dead end.
I really tried to make an effort for a change, turns out I'm not really that good at romance anymore. And the fact that he actually had eyes for my other friend's crush also had a big effect on the matter.

So, I am back at staying focused on my studies, which of course got boring a long time ago. Writing down laws in my own words was not what I expected from this course. I am learning a lot, but I just think I can spend my time doing something better. The police service or army sounds like the greener pastures right now. And I think I'll look pretty sexy after I get fit and I am placed in a uniform.

Me, the fearless warrior woman. It makes me smile. I need to smile more.

The one thing that has made me laugh at myself was when I went to watch rugby, and I fell off a table. LOL! That might be it though, girls who sit on tables don't get men, as the old wives tales go...

I still do the community policing, which keeps me on my toes, and that really made me realize that policing is the profession I should go into. A Colonel asked me if I don't get scared, because I patrol alone, and honestly, it doesn't.

Fearing something, is actually wishing for it, but when you wish for something, you don't fear it.

When you get into your car and your afraid that you're going to get high-jacked, you are actually subconsciously wishing for it. Me on the other hand, I anticipate it, to me it is a given that something bad is going to happen, just because we live in such a sadistic world, and the statistics prove it. So, I kind of want something to happen, it makes life interesting, and it's always in the bad times that you see who your real friends are. That, and the fact that I love hospitals. 5 Star service, sleep as long as you want, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and tea times in bed, and then of course, people tending to your every need. The only thing I hate about hospitals are the showers, they've never seemed to please me.

But now, I'm home all the time, nothing to do except study, sleep, watch TV, and clean, because our maid quit.

I don't play Evony anymore... which I really really miss, but all my Internet friends quit, which is a shame, because we had some good times. I know... LOSER!

But they were my friends I made when I was in Idaho. They were my only friends, and I could talk to them about anything, even the infamous Mormons. But now I think back, after I've lost all communication with them, maybe I should have just pretended to be a true Mormon. If all luck struck me then, I could have gotten married in a temple, with secret rituals representing Free Mason religion rituals, and I would still have contact with my kids.

I still dream about them almost every night, and its been 5 months already. With that, I dreamt the other night that I was pregnant. I am not at all ready for children, but I can't seem to have a valuable life without them. But to have kids, I probably, by society's standards, need a husband first.

I made a deal with my one friend, that if we aren't married by 30, we'll marry each other. Just because I am not going to die alone. And I won't be able to afford a house on my own. And I am not going to live with my parents the rest of my life, given my dad probably won't make it another 20 years, he's almost 59 years old, he has high blood pressure, cholesterol, and every limb in his body needs repairing.

He just has to last long enough to walk me down the isle of a cathedral.

I decided, given that I have such a large family, we'll need a cathedral. I do not plan on having a small wedding, and also, it has to be anything but simple.

Big dreams, little time.

I'm getting old, and thinking about it, I haven't done anything significant with my life. Sure, I've worked since I was 16, travelled all across the country, been to the USA, and... That's about it... I really need to do something. I don't just want to live. I WANT TO LIVE!

I'm going to have to go try to get into the police service again. It seems that the closer I am to danger, the better I feel.

Let's go get killed!

(Just before someone reads this and thinks I'm suicidal, my shrinks say I'm not a danger to myself or society :P )