Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm sorry

I think I did a horrible thing.

My heart is broken, although I'm quite drunk, I'm crying, but I'm not crying because I'm drunk.

I'm a rat.

I ratted out a friend...

A good friend.

I found his drugs.

I had to report it.

I'm going to miss him.


He went to rehab.

I thought he was clean.

I wanted to believe him.


But I found it...

I feel like a dog.

I don't want him to go.

I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry.

I'm very sad.

It feels like someone ripped out a piece of my chest.

And I did it.

My bosses and managers are proud of me.

I'm not proud.

Tears flowing down my cheeks.

Snot clogging up my nose.


I'm sorry!

I wish I didn't find it.

I wish I didn't tell.

I wish you didn't do it.

I wish you stopped.

I hope you get well.

I love you, always will.

I'm sorry.

Thank you for Eminem.

I had to get this OUT.

I had to tell someone.

Love you.

Please forgive me.

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