Sunday, May 6, 2012

Au Pair Work and Travel (Go Au Pair)

I'm still cleaning out my e-mails, and I stumbled on a sore subject, something I will never forget. I have learnt my lessons in life. This is about my crappy Au Pair family I had in Durham North Carolina... This is mommy dearest, DR. Alisha Benner. I swear she was put on earth to make other people's life hell:

This is the e-mails I sent to my agency just before I left Durham North Carolina to go to Boise Idaho.


Yes I understand, I spoke to the Department of State, they said that Visa's can't be "cancelled". Thank you for your concern.

Bye for now,
Anette Snyman

From: Meghan Ramirez
To: Anette Snyman
Cc: Au Pair Travel
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5:08:14 PM
Subject: RE: Transition Process

Hi Anette,

Thanks for letting me know. I want to make sure that you understand that if you go leave the Benner family to go anywhere but back to South Africa or to another Host Family with goAUPAIR, your Au Pair visa will be cancelled, you will lose your security deposit and the amount you paid for your airfare back to South Africa.

Take care,

Meghan Ramirez
Placement Coordinator

Congratulations to Daniel from South Africa!
2009 IAPA Au Pair of the Year Award Finalist! - Read his story
In celebration of his achievement...
Families matching with an Au Pair from South Africa receive $500 off! | 800.937.6264. | 801.255.7782 Fax
151 East 6100 South, Suite 200 | Murray, UT | 84107

To provide feedback on our customer service, please email

From: Anette Snyman []
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 1:55 PM
To: Meghan Ramirez
Subject: Re: Transition Process

Hi Meghan

No, the family is not with goaupair.... We are going to get me a student visa, and I will be studying full time. I started advertising myself on the internet in January, when I wanted to give notice, so the family and I have been talking for 3 months now.

Thank you very much.

Bye for now,
Anette Snyman

From: Meghan Ramirez
To: Anette Snyman
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 2:00:26 PM
Subject: RE: Transition Process

Hi Anette,

Thank you for being so detailed. I will keep the details of your email confidential.

We are still working to find you a new family, you said that you have found a family on another website? Are they going to sign up with goAUPAIR? Let me know if they would like someone from our office to contact them to discuss matching with you.

I will let you know if I have any further questions.

Hang in there,

Meghan Ramirez
Placement Coordinator

Congratulations to Daniel from South Africa!
2009 IAPA Au Pair of the Year Award Finalist! - Read his story
In celebration of his achievement...
Families matching with an Au Pair from South Africa receive $500 off! | 800.937.6264. | 801.255.7782 Fax
151 East 6100 South, Suite 200 | Murray, UT | 84107

To provide feedback on our customer service, please email

From: Anette Snyman []
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:56 AM
To: Meghan Ramirez
Subject: Re: Transition Process

Hi Meghan

I apologize, but this is going to be a very long e-mail, I feel the need to explain a little more about the situation I'm in. Please let this e-mail stay between you and me.

I'm good, at the moment, not great, but I'll survive... Things in the house are very tense. On Tuesday, the only words that were spoken to me from Alisha was "Bye Anette", on Wednesday the only words were "Good morning", and then Wednesday afternoon, Alisha came in and ignored me, I said "hi", and then I said that Gavin didn't urinate for 7 hours, and he needed to sit on the potty until he went, she put on a fake smile and walked passed me... We were in the same room for an hour and a half, she didn't talk to me, there was no eye-contact, and she avoided me, so, I went to a friend's house.. This morning, she said good-bye, and just this afternoon she asked me when the last time was that Gavin sat on the potty, and she informed me that I am working Friday and Saturday night.

I have been contacted by a few families, but they are all on websites that I advertised. I think I might have found a family...

With regards to:
Alisha told me that Eric caught you smoking on their back porch a couple of weeks ago, is that correct? She also told me that Eric talked to you about it then. Did you agree not to smoke again when he confronted you?

Yes, it's true. Well, we didn't really talk about it... He came back from work, and saw me, then he asked me "were you smoking?" and I said "yes", then he said that he's known for a while that I smoke, and then he said he was going to sleep, he turned around and went to their bedroom. He didn't say that I had to stop smoking, and I also didn't say that I was going to stop smoking, that wasn't discussed.....

Are you cooking dinner for anyone other than yourself and the children? Do the host parents tell you to make dinner for them when they are running late?

Yes, in my duty list (which I will type for you down the line), I am supposed to cook dinner for the family twice a week. They never asked me to cook when they are running late, I just did that by myself. If I don't, the children go to bed to late, and they are hungry by dinner time. So, I do it to make it easier for the family, kids and parents.

You said that Alisha is telling you you can not leave until the house is clean. Has the host family asked you to clean all the other rooms or are you just doing it because you feel like you need to? What exactly do you do when you are cleaning the dining room, kitchen, living room, etc?

I am supposed to keep the "common areas" clean, also in my duty list... I will answer this in full, down the line...

When you gave notice on Monday, was it a mutual agreement between you and Alisha, or did you tell her that you were giving notice? Did you talk with her about any of the things that you have told me, or about why you have decided to give notice?

It was a mutual agreement, she asked me why I didn't go out of the house on her off days, and I turned around and gave a little laugh, she asked me what that was about, and I told her "I can't do this anymore", and she said "FINE, WE'LL FIND SOMEONE ELSE", and I said "good, I'll let the agency know that I gave notice". No, I haven't spoken to her, as I explained at the beginning, I am being ignored, and not spoken to, and I just feel that if she doesn't want to talk to me, I'm not going to make an effort. She's in her 30's, she is supposed to be much more mature than me, I don't know if it's because she's pregnant or if this is just how she is, but ignoring someone because your angry with them just seems a little childish. I've been ignored for 3 days now, so I try to stay out of the house as much as possible, otherwise I'm just going to sit in my room and feel sorry for myself, there's no reason for me to be home, specially if Alisha is going to act this way towards me.

OK, as promised: the duty list (I don't have it on e-mail, so I'll type everything, afterwards I'll tell you more)


Anette's Responsibilities and Daily Schedule

Monday - Friday Daily (during the school year)
7:10 Check weather for the day and prepare appropriate clothes given the temperature and chance of rain
7:15 Wake up kids (Ethan up at 6 am on the days I am taking him to school before work)
Kids both on potty
Kids dressed, doing as much or all of it themselves
Kids help making beds
7:30 Downstairs for breakfast - Gavin listens to his music for 20 min
7:55 Kids help clear the table
8:00 Gavin sits on potty again
8:05 Kids upstairs brushing teeth, getting shoes and coats on
8:15 Ethan leaves with me for school
8:25 Gavin leaves with you for school
Return home and clean up breakfast dishes and wipe off table, plan art project(s) for the day/week/weekend, clean your room/make your bed, make lunches for the next day
2:00 Gavin home, sits on potty as often as appropriate
2:15 Gavin's work time, listens to music
4:00 Ethan home, art project time

Once or Twice Weekly (more often as appropriate)
Kids' laundry, bedding and towels in both their and our bathrooms - please make sure to inspect and stain treat all of the stained clothes. Do not dry them in the dryer until the stains are completely removed
***Please make sure you clean out the dryer lint after each load in the dryer, it makes the dryer much less efficient and increases our electricity bills if you don't
Clean potty seats with antibacterial spray three times a week
Clean up playroom
Clean up your/boys bathroom and empty trash
Refill diapers
Take out dirty diaper bag
Plan healthy, home-cooked and kid-friendly meals from one of my recipe books or the Internet for the family, please give me the ingredient list by Sunday morning
Run and empty dishwasher

On the weekends that you are working or on the days the kids are at home from school
Plan several days ahead the activities for the day, at least two art projects and two planned games or activities per day. Let's discuss them ahead of time to make sure we have all needed supplies
The kids should not be watching any television or playing on the computer
If it's warm enough, go to park
Please have a positive attitude about the days the children are home with you for the day. If the children are home due to illness, please be extra kind, even when they are hard to handle.

At all times
Make efforts to keep the house tidy in all common areas
Turn off all unnecessary lights and turn the thermostat down during the day to 70 degrees
Be entirely responsible for maintaining the red car (oil changes, alert us immediately to potential car issues, air in all tires)
Be respectful of our need for quiet and private time. When we have a day off, we like to have some time alone in the house.
Help maintain the grocery list
Keep open lines of communication
Discuss problems early and openly
Respect our privacy. Our family life and our children's development should never, under any circumstances, be discussed outside of our family with the exception of the children's teachers and therapists.


OK, now to elaborate...

The "free-time" on my schedule is not free time. This is the time where I have to clean and do all my duties. According to Alisha, it only takes 30 minutes. I spend an hour, to an hour and 30 minutes, and she can't understand that...

When cleaning the kitchen, I spray and wipe off all the surfaces (I have to, because Alisha came home one day, wiped her finger on a counter - where Eric made his dinner - and she said that I should feel it, it wasn't clean, and her words to me was "make sure you scrub this, until it's clean"), I also arrange all their paperwork (put it in neat piles, because it's all over the place), take out trash and recycling, and I am responsible for all the dishes, not just the kids'. Alisha told me at the beginning that the majority of the dishes are mine and the kids' anyway, so, I am responsible for that. If they make food, they'll wash the pots and stuff, but they leave it in the sink, for me to put it away. Alisha doesn't like dishes in the sink, so that always has to be clean. I clean up after them every morning where they make coffee, they always spill and they leave the sweetener papers on the counter. They will also leave pots and pans from the weekend in the sink, for me to put away. I've also come home on Sunday nights (off weekend) and find that the counters haven't been wiped at all. The parents leave food open, and lying around, that I have to put away, etc. They leave cans of soda on the counters, that I have to clean up. Out of my own, because I couldn't stand the stench anymore, I cleaned out the whole fridge. Threw away old food, then took the "drawers" out, and washed all of it! Alisha was very thankful.

When cleaning the dining room, I just spray and wipe the table and chairs, if the kids spilled or made a mess, I mop and sweep. My problem is, the past few weeks, neither Alisha or Eric wipes the table after dinner (when I'm off - and sometimes this happens on weekends as well), and Alisha has been very nasty to me a few times, because the table was dirty. But I'm not supposed to clean up after them!

When cleaning the living room, I clean up after Eric a lot. I put the pillows and the blanket away, set the train table, put all the toys away, fill up the diaper basket, wash the towels we use to change Gavin's diapers. Arrange the cabinet with the puzzles and games in it. The parents leave the TV remotes, DVD bag, dirty dishes, clothes, half-empty-beer-bottles and cans of soda lying around in the living room. And I AM supposed to clean it up, because I've been told numerous times that it's a common area, and I am responsible for keeping the common areas clean. Out of my own, I've washed the blanket and pillows, because it smelt like urine. They still don't know that I wash it from time to time, it's just disgusting.

When cleaning the stuff in their bathroom, I just fill up the diapers, and wash the kids' towels. The kids' laundry is also in their bathroom, so I wash the kids' laundry. I do ALL the kids' laundry, it's happened a few times that there's a few items of the boys' clothing in the washing machine, because One of them had an accident or something. Alisha would do laundry, and leave the boys' laundry for me, either on the drawer in the bedroom, or in the laundry room. I know it's my job, but if she does something half way, can't she finish it? I counted the last time, it was 2 pairs of pants, 1 shirt, 3 pairs of underwear, and a pair of socks... They just don't help out with house work at all, they leave everything to me, they are abusing the situation. They can sit back and relax, because they know I'll clean up... I am being exploited.

When cleaning the bedrooms, it's not that much. Make the beds, put the books away, organize the drawers and closets. There was just the one time where Alisha took out 3 bags of new clothing for the boys, I had to take all the tags off, and wash all of it, before putting it away with the other clothes. I did 4 loads of laundry that day. And in the bedrooms I also have to clean up after the parents. They will leave kids' clothes on the floor, books and toys lying around, and I have to clean it, because they won't.

With the bathrooms, I basically clean up the kids' books and toys, wash the towels, and wash the potty seats. I've also had to wash the carpets, because Gavin urinated on it, then I also had to mop... And even in these tiny spaces, Alisha and Eric leave everything for me to clean up. I pick up books and stickers every time I go in there, even if I'm off. I understand it's my bathroom and I'm responsible for it, but I've also come home after an off weekend and had to pick up lots of books, left on the floor, and toys left in the sink, urine on the toilet seat, toothpaste everywhere, towels and cloths on the floor...

They don't clean the playroom at all, that's all me. Even if friends with children come over, I clean it.

Out of my own:
I feed the animals when they forget, or ask me to. I've sticky taped the boys' books together. Wash things that are dirty (like the blanket and pillows), toys, and even the sofas in the living room, it's always full of dog hair, and I think someone is spilling drinks or something, it's gross. I am not lazy, I take initiative.

Alisha has critisized my clothes (it's not professional enough), my friends and family back home (they'r not good enough or stupid or something), and the food that I eat. I eat mashed potatoes and ketchup, she threw such a hissy fit the other day, because Ethan saw me eat it, and he also wanted it. She told me that it's not an American thing, and it's a very big no-no, it's going to mess Ethan up socially, etc.

Alisha and Eric knew that I was Christian, and I knew that they were atheists before I got here. But if I had known that they were going to walk around saying "Oh my God", "Oh Jesus", and even "fuck Jesus", I would've never came here. Alisha can go on about them not getting any respect from me, but I've never disrespected them. Alisha is rude, and treats me like an idiot, I get taken for granted, my morals and values get taken for granted, and Alisha bases my happiness on having a car, and having a TV. She's told me in the past "I don't understand why your unhappy, we gave you a car..."

I told het in January, it's not that I'm unhappy, but I'm not happy. I told her that we never sit together for dinner "as a family", they just let me be, we only eat together if I'm in the kitchen during dinner time. She turned around and said that I said she can't maintain a family, and she said that I said their family is shit. My words are being twisted, and I'm always the bad guy. I never ask for anything, just to go out with friends, and sometimes food. But I'm not allowed to be happy, I'm supposed to work like a slave, because it's in my contract...

Speaking about my contract... You probably still have the Benner family's portfolio. I am going to say this again... I never knew that Gavin was a special needs child. The "letter to Au pair" says: "Gavin is quieter, more introspective. While more introspective, you cannot find a more affectionate little boy. He loves to sit with you and snuggle under a blanket. He loves music and working with colors while drawing and painting. He is fascinated by animals and loves to collect them. As a result of premature birth, Gavin is speech-delayed and attends speech and occupational therapy classes through his school. He has been making great progress."

Never did they mention that I would be doing speech and occupational therapy, they never mentioned that he is special needs (it's also not on the paperwork), or that he has sensory issues. The school told me that he is autistic, Alisha denies this. According to her nothings wrong, I think she's in denial. It was never mentioned that Gavin isn't potty-trained. I am also not trained to do speech or occupational therapy.

My working hours also aren't correct, some weeks I don't get my 1 day off. The schedule on the working agreement says that I'll be off every weekend, but in the letter to Au Pair it says that I'll have to work the "occasional" weekend. This is incorrect, I work most weekends. And then there were a few occasions where I made plans, and couldn't go, because Alisha told me I was working, at the last minute. Like my birthday party. We organised everything 3 weeks before hand, and the morning before the party, she told me I was working, and shouldn't make plans. I told her that I have plans, she interrupted me before I could explain, and said that she'll only be back by 11:30. "I thought I made it clear that you were working...", but she never said anything.

With regards to the smoking, I am not going to try and make it seem that it was OK to smoke, I'm just going to explain why I did it. I hadn't smoked for a long time before I came to the US, I started smoking when I was 15, because I got anxiety attacks, and I felt that it was helping me, my parents felt the same way and even bought my sigarettes for me. Not that they were happy with the descision. I stopped smoking 4/5 years later. And haven't had many anxiety attacks for many years, and then I got all of these problems from Alisha, one of my best friends got shot in the chest at home, my grandad died, my uncle (godfather) went in for back surgery and his lungs collapsed (almost died), and my sister's best friend died. I got home sick, depressed, and then started getting anxiety attacks again. So, the cycle started again... It's not right that I smoke, but thats the only way I know to calm myself down. My parents aren't here to talk to me, they're the only ones that know what I go through, they've always been there when I got my attacks, even when I didn't live at home, I got in the car in the middle of the night, woke them up, and slept in their bed. I've been getting 3-6 anxiety attacks these past 5 months, and then with all my stress, I still need to put up with Alisha's rudeness, sarcasm, and her selfishness of "me, me, me, I, I, I..."

All the other things I wanted, I couldn't have (that I asked for, from Alisha). My mom wasn't allowed to visit, I wasn't allowed to got to DC for 1 day to go and vote (very very very important election), and I wasn't allowed to take a college course on Wednesday night, because Alisha wanted to go to the gym on those nights, but she never did. She also said that only Tuesday and Thursday nights are my nights off. And then she got mad one day and tried to take away my off nights.

At the end of this month I am also supposed to get out of the house for 5 days, the grandparents are coming to visit, and they'll be sleeping in my room. I told Natalia that I offered my room, I think I wrote it to you previously, but this is actually not the case... I was told to get out of the house. But don't worry, I have family friends where I can stay. Please don't mention it to Alisha or Eric, my life at the moment is already a nightmare, after I gave notice, I don't want to make it worse, I just want to get it over with.

I found a family, I will be leaving on 31 May, that is the date I gave Alisha.
Please let me know if there's something else you need to know...

Bye for now,
Anette Snyman

From: Meghan Ramirez
To: Anette Snyman
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2009 9:25:46 AM
Subject: RE: Transition Process

Hi Anette,
How are you? How are things at the Benner house going? Have you been contacted by any new Host Families yet?

Alisha has brought some things up that I need to discuss with you. Would you please answer as soon as possible?

Alisha told me that Eric caught you smoking on their back porch a couple of weeks ago, is that correct? She also told me that Eric talked to you about it then. Did you agree not to smoke again when he confronted you?

Are you cooking dinner for anyone other than yourself and the children? Do the host parents tell you to make dinner for them when they are running late?

You said that Alisha is telling you you can not leave until the house is clean. Has the host family asked you to clean all the other rooms or are you just doing it because you feel like you need to? What exactly do you do when you are cleaning the dining room, kitchen, living room, etc?

When you gave notice on Monday, was it a mutual agreement between you and Alisha, or did you tell her that you were giving notice? Did you talk with her about any of the things that you have told me, or about why you have decided to give notice?

Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks so much,

Meghan Ramirez
Placement Coordinator

Congratulations to Daniel from South Africa!
2009 IAPA Au Pair of the Year Award Finalist! - Read his story
In celebration of his achievement...
Families matching with an Au Pair from South Africa receive $500 off! | 800.937.6264. | 801.255.7782 Fax
151 East 6100 South, Suite 200 | Murray, UT | 84107

To provide feedback on our customer service, please email

From: Anette Snyman []
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 9:30 AM
To: Meghan Ramirez
Subject: Re: Transition Process

Hi Meghan

As requested, here are my reasons for giving notice:

There were problems that started before I even got here. Alisha wanted me to find an insurance company, and apply for insurance for the car that I was going to drive, pay for it monthly, and she would pay me the money back. (Can send you all our e-mails on request). They informed me that Gavin was speech delayed before I got here, and that he was not a special needs child, but I got here, and I had to do speech therapy and occupational therapy. I found out from the school that Gavin is actually autistic. I dealed with it, and kept on going.

In my first month, Alisha had several "talks" with me, about me not doing my job. In my first week she told me that I didn't have to worry about dishes, and dont worry about this and that... And then in my second week we had a "talk" because I didn't do the dishes. I only received my duty list in Febraury (I got here in August), and she added things, that we never discussed before hand, like I had to look for 2 recepies per week, give her the ingredients list before Sunday, and then I had to cook 2 meals a week. I spoke to Natalia, and she said that this wasn't my job to look for recepies and that I wasn't allowed to cook that much, but I was allowed to "help" cook. Also on the list was that I needed to do two art projects with the kids, after school, every day, and plan two games, but we previously agreed on ONE art project a day. When I started doing the art projects, she told me that it wasn't advanced enough, but Gavin is autistic, his motor- and speech skills are very behind, compared to Ethan who can read and write, he knows how to colour inside the lines, and he can cut with scissors, etc. So, it's hard to find a project where both the boys can improve their skills and knowledge.

When I got here, I asked Alisha if my mother could come and visit me, and she said it was fine. Later, I started making arrangements, and I asked Alisha if the dates where correct, and she blew a gasket. She said that I was using them and "how can you expect me to be responsible for a stranger's food and board..." She will say that I asked for 3 weeks, yes, I wanted my mom to come for 3 weeks, but Alisha knew that we wanted to travel, and we have family friends that she would've visited for a week, so, my mom would've only been in the house for a few days, not the full 3 weeks!

She's called me stupid, lazy, and she made me agree that I was a "slacker by heart", because I played with the kids, instead of doing art projects. She's told me that I don't do speech therapy and occupational therapy correctly, but I have no previous experience with special needs children, I have no knowledge about speech therapy or occupational therapy, and I was called lazy again. If Gavin didn't excel in speech therapy, it was my fault. She told me in January that it was my fault that Gavin wasn't potty-trained, although they "tried" to potty-train him with Ethan, and just stopped.

When Alisha gets mad at me, she ignores me, and gives me short answeres, doesn't make eye-contact, and then the next day she'll tell me, I did something wrong. Instead of just telling me right away that I should've done it differently...

If I do something (work-related), she'll tell me how she does it, most of the time, making me feel very dumb. For exmple, I made TOAST the one morning, I was also busy getting they boys' vitamins, drinks, and finishing their lunches. The toaster popped, and she said that I had to put butter on the toast while it's hot, otherwise it becomes gross. LIKE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE TOAST! And there are lots of these cases, with laundry, lunches, making beds, etc. There's always something wrong with the way I do things.

The latest problem is that I need to get out of the house for a few hours on Alisha's days off, because she wants the house to herself, so I feel like I'm "invading their privacy". Just 2 weeks ago I went out for breakfast with other Au Pairs, Alisha got home early, and the house wasn't clean yet, I apologized, and she said that I wasn't allowed to leave the house untill it was clean. Then on Thursday (last week), Alisha had an off day, but that morning, both the boys wet their beds, and I needed to wash their bed linnens, so I took the linnens in the laundry room. There was a toilet carpet, and Gavin's clothes that he urinated on, in the washing mashine. So I wanted to wash the dirty clothes and the carpet first, and then afterwards the linnens. Alisha questioned me 4 times, "but why didn't you put the linnens in the mashine?" I told her the first time that there was pee-pee clothes in the mashine, 2nd: there wasn't enough space, 3: there was a carpet in the mashine, 4: I didn't want to put the WHITE linnens in the mashine with the carpet. Then she accepted it, and told me that I needed to hurry, because she also wanted to do laundry. I told her that I had class, but she can put the linnens on the mashine afterwards, and I'll take care of it when I come back. She agreed. I dropped Gavin off at school, went to the College, just to find out that the class was cancelled, so, I went back home to finish the laundry.

On Monday (the day that I gave notice) Alisha asked me why I was at home on her off day... I was so fed up with having to explain myself for everything, I looked at her, turned around, and laughed. She asked me what that was about, and I told her that I can't do this anymore. She got soooooo angry, she stood up, and said "fine, we'll find someone else".

Natalia knows about this... I am responsible for all the kids breakfasts and lunches (except most weekends and my off days), and when the parents are running late, I make dinner, and sometimes start bath time, which is more than they expect of me. I clean the WHOLE kitchen, informal dining room, living room, downstairs bathroom, upstairs bathroom, playroom, play-area, Gavin's room, Ethan's room, my room, laundry room, and the kids' stuff in the parent's bathroom. The parents are responsible for the formal dining room, study, their bedroom, and their bathroom. I do a lot more than "light house work". Yet I'm called lazy...

My final reasons for wanting to rematch is because Alisha is rude, she expects me to lay down my whole life for her, and do everything for her, and if I want something, I've been called SELFISH. She says that she's only said "no" to me once, and that was when I wanted my mom to come and visit. But thats because I never ask for anything, I only ask if it's OK for me to go out, that's it! And me not going out of the house tells her that I think her "quality of life is less" than mine. Where she got that from still blows my mind.

I am being used as cheap labour, to clean the house and to teach Gavin how to talk. The little rude remarks, bad attitute, and the "I'm better than you, smarter than you"- attitude is getting to me.

She goes on about being sick, and she works so hard, and the host dad leaves everything for her to do, and then she tries to make me feel guilty about her not feeling good.

In January we had a fight, and I told Natalia this too, I was forced to take my 2 weeks leave within the first 5 months of my arrival. I had a week in November, and a week in December. We had a huge fight about this, and I had complained about it several times, because I wanted to travel with my mom, later on, and now I had no leave left to travel with her. Alisha said that my mom could come and visit for a WEEKEND, and she would try to give me that weekend off. I also brought up that we don't sit down for dinner as a family (they don't call me, they eat alone, and then I have to make me something later on), and then Alisha said that I said she couldn't run a family, and I said her family was shit. I wanted to give notice then.

You can talk to Natalia, we sat in a restaurant for hours. I was so angry, and so sad, and I wanted to give notice then, and just leave, but I needed to complete my educational requirements, so, I couldn't go anywhere. I cried my heart out for a week, and Alisha didn't give a shit, so, with all this being said, I don't care anymore, I just want to leave.

Hahaha! I just realised how much I wrote, I hope this is what you were looking for.

I want to leave on the 31st of May, haven't discussed it with Alisha yet, I'm being ignored again...
Bye for now,
Anette Snyman

From: Meghan Ramirez
To: ""
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2009 1:56:57 PM
Subject: Transition Process

Dear Anette,

Because two weeks notice has been given, you will have until 4/20/2009 to match with a new Host Family. If you agree on a later date with your host family, please let me know the date. If you do not match with a new Host Family by the time you must depart the host family's home, you will be required to return to SOUTH AFRICA. You will be responsible for paying the full cost of the flight ticket to SOUTH AFRICA if you return home, and you also will lose your Completion Security Deposit of $500.00.

Your current Host Family is required to pay you your stipend for the next two weeks and also provide you with room and board. You are required to stay with the Host Family and work for the next two weeks if they require you to work. Leaving the family's home at any time before 4/20/2009 must be authorized in advance by the goAUPAIR Corporate Office.

The Host Family is allowed to withhold your last two weeks of your stipend if they think that there may be any unpaid phone bills. The family will then have to send goAUPAIR the bill the stipend was used to pay, and any remaining money, and goAUPAIR will then forward the bill and money to you at your new Host Family.

goAUPAIR is going to begin sending your au pair application out to potential host families to review, and you can expect to start receiving phone calls and emails in the next couple of days. Please make sure to check your email every day and respond promptly to any phone calls or emails that you might get. If a Host Family requests that their profile be sent to you, the Placement Coordinator for that Host Family will send you the profile in an email. Please note that unless your current Host Family approves, you will not be matched with a family in the same area..

If you accept the offer of a new Host Family to become their au pair, and confirm that with goAUPAIR, you are entering into a verbal contract with that new Host Family to go to their home. Please tell any families that might contact you after matching that you have matched with a new family. If you decide that you do not want to go to the family that you have confirmed a match with, you will not be allowed to break the match to go to another family, and you will be required to return to SOUTH AFRICA. Please consider any offers seriously before accepting.

If any of your contact information changes during your two weeks notice period, please inform your Placement Coordinator as soon as possible so that they can update that information in your application.

Please contact your Placement Coordinator if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,

Meghan Ramirez
Placement Coordinator