Thursday, May 10, 2012

Duke Gardens North Carolina

My first week in USA was spent without my host dad, he was at a conference somewhere. The weekend I got there my host family, our neighbors, and I went to Duke Gardens. It was beautiful. We had delicious chicken wraps for lunch and walked around for hours. I actually like going to botanical gardens, probably because of this experience.

I realized in this first week that Gavin was a special needs child and that Ethan was very bright. Gavin was screaming all the time, it drove me nuts, so, going to Duke Gardens was brilliant, he was so busy I think he only squealed twice.

The first week was the best week I had with this family. Alisha (my host mom) told me that I didn't have to worry about dishes, or laundry, or cleaning, or this or that.

The honey moon period only lasted a few days...

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