Sunday, April 15, 2012

I will always march to my own drumbeat

Well, this past two or three weeks have been extremely busy. My best friend went to Beijing in China, I saw the pictures and I am so jealous! I don't like the Chinese for various reasons, but I would love to go and see the buildings and the great wall of China. I do not want to go there because they have annual dog eating festivals, they poach our rhinos and elephants, and of course their "secret government". They don't have access to any .com websites. The architecture is out of this world though. I got a tourist map online, just out of curiosity.

Then, we had Chinese food the week before she left for China, I got two fortune cookies, that's where I got my heading from. My fortune cookie described me perfectly.

I had my window made smash and grab proof again, it felt like that feeling you get when a door in the house is open and you hear a sound, so, I had to fix my window. It was freaking me out and making me paranoid. The place my dad got for smash and grab quoted my dad R400.00, the place I got was only R280.00. I received great service and decided to mention them on my website, just as a thank you favor.

At work... OMG! I am exhausted all the time. I decided that I want to start a small business, and then make it a bigger one, start another small business, and make it bigger, and so forth and so forth, until I have become a tycoon. I have realized that I am not going to win the lottery or marry rich, so, I have to do it myself. So much for becoming an investigator. It's sad to say good-bye to that dream, because I've always had it, but I am not getting a job, and I am becoming fed up with working at my current job.

I am paid the minimum of minimum amounts, I am doing my manager's work for him, and I am driving my car for R50.00 petrol a day. It's not worth it. I am to good to be here, and I deserve better. Working myself to the edge is not what I planned when I started here, and being stuck with people that have horrible attitudes is going to make me become criminally insane.

My friend and I designed the business' new menu and flyer, with the wrong information we might have screwed it up, but we tried to fix it, once again because the manager mentioned supra has difficulties communicating, but not drinking. My friend worked extremely hard on this project. Kudos to her!

Now for the most embarrassing shopping experience a woman has to endure. I kept my pose but I wanted to slap the shop designer through this window. Who does this?

Its all good and well that women can vote and get out of the kitchen these days, but can't THAT be in a corner somewhere?

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