Tuesday, August 21, 2012

10 Things to do to get over your ex

Stop stalking him! Don't message him, or drive around to see where he is, and don't call him! Especially when you are intoxicated, sad, and lonely.

Get rid of all his stuff. All the flowers, letters, photos, little stupid things that he used to get you to like him more, all of it! It is all just reminders of who you were, and how "happy" you were. Don't let it get to you. Do what I did. BURN IT TO HELL!

Delete all of his details, Facebook, Twitter, cell phone contact, messages, everything! This actually goes with numbers 1 and 2, but if you don't have him as a friend or a contact, it makes temptation easier.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. This is probably the most difficult task, because most break-ups lead to sadness and depression. Rather change your mindset to "I dodged a bullet". You can be happier with someone else, and you can make someone else happier. You are going to marry someone awesome who fits in with your family, friends, and lifestyle.

Don't harm yourself. I know that I am a hypocrite in this area, but it only leads to more problems. Don't drink your sorrows away, and most importantly, suicide is never the answer!

Be positive! Spend time with friends and family that make you happy, and people that understand you. Don't try to reason with people that you don't like, or won't support you in the way that is needed. You have other people in your life that can make you happy, although not in a romantic way, but in a comforting way, where trust, respect, and love will never be questionable.

Stay away from people that remind you of your ex. His friends and family, and then, even more importantly, random strangers that act like him, or look like him. If it didn't work the first time, it won't work the next time. The definition of insanity is doing something over and over in the same way, and expecting different results. That's just stupid.

The way you spend your time, is your decision now. You don't have to worry about your other half being part of something, or having to know what your doing with who. If you have a bucket list, or something you've been dying to do, now is the time. Go dancing, go bungee jump, go kiss that guy that you've been interested in, but couldn't have. Experiment with new ideas, new hobbies, or spend time doing the things you couldn't do... My hobby, obviously... BLOGGING! There has to be something you've wanted to do, think about it, plan it, stiffen up your lady balls, and go do it! Your life is short, don't waste it by sobbing over the past.

Obviously all humans need an intimate or romantic relationship. Just not with your ex. If you are still seeing him, even if you are just using him, stop, and find someone else. Maybe someone finds you. The rule here is not to get involved with someone you don't like. Cut your losses. You don't have to pounce on the first guy that talks to you. You need a healthy relationship. You don't have to start dating again right away. When you are ready, get someone better. You can do it!

Count your blessings. Make sure that the people you cherish in this life knows it. If you have a good job, or studies, focus on that. Don't over work yourself to numb the pain. Exercise. Eat well. Take care of yourself. Remember that this is your life, and only you can determine your own happiness. Let go of your anchors, and don't let anybody get you down. You are who you are, and although I am an atheist, I love saying this. "God made me in his image, if he wanted me differently, he would have made me that way..."

Pick yourself up, look for that silver lining on that blackened cloud, and if you can't find it, create it! There is nothing wrong with you. Not your body. Not your mind. And you are not useless or stupid.

Do what makes you happy!

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