Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My pants have more problems than I do

My pants won't stay up. I've lost almost 10 kg the past two months, and it feels great, but now I need a whole new wardrobe.

All of my pants have problems, they are either too big, or too small, or they have holes in them, and the others' zips don't want to stay up. I don't have that many problems these days. My dad and I are getting along fine, I'm exercising, but I should be exercising harder, and work is OK.

Well, a week ago work wasn't OK, because in a state of rage I posted a stupid Facebook status update, and the owners were really mad. I have a theory, and its not mine to begin with, it's something I studied. Give your workers the recognition, respect and reward they deserve and they will be happy. Simple as that!

I can't remember the statistics, but happy company workers steal a lot less than unhappy company workers. Now, as I am laughing at myself because I actually remember this, there are four reasons people steal from their work (GONE):

- Greed
- Opportunity
- Need
- Lack of Ethics

Now, 10% of the population will steal, because that is the way that they are, 10% of the population will never steal, because that is the way that they are, and well, the other 80% are opportunists. Lastly, if an opportunity arrives to a worker and he/she feels that they deserve that money/goods, they WILL take it.

That's not my problem. My problem is that they praise me for my work, and then turn around and say that I'm not doing anything, and they are paying me to be lazy. If you're thinking "what the feathers?", we're on that same boat. How can they thank me for a job well done and then say that I didn't do anything? Nobody knows. Nobody cares.

That was last week, this week is fine.

So, I have been job hunting like an assassin. I have sent my CV to numerous agencies, registered on websites and sent my CV, and now... Nothing! Not even one phone call. I went for an interview last week, which was very promising, and also, nothing.

So, the big dream is still going to the South African Police Service, and guess what, I have a police officer that is mentally training me to get in! Its awesome. I have 2 months to be able to pass the fitness test, and then January go to the college and stay there for 2 years.

I'm not serious about applying for the other jobs, it just takes my mind off the children that I work with. Oh, if I haven't mentioned this, I'm a bartender. It gets annoying.

Luckily I have a friend that is almost a personal trainer, and she is committed to "Drill Sergeant" the bejeezes out of me.

I forgot to gossip about something. I was asked out on a date. Good looking guy, younger than I am, studying marketing, and extremely persistent when intoxicated. We never went on that date, I had cold feet, and he has something going on with his ex. Now, as we all know, I have been there. So I told him, "Do what makes you happy, just remember if it wasn't meant to be it wasn't meant to be. Enjoy it!"

I know, I've grown up, but I've been this grown up for years now...

Its time for me to start anew. I don't drink anymore, I should stop smoking, but I know I won't, and then I am extremely committed to losing all the weight I need to lose, and I am at peace with the world, well, kind of anyway.

I drove into the back of a car yesterday. WOOPS! My car is in now to have my front bumper spray painted, and hopefully daddy didn't notice. It will be done by tonight. Now I just need to get out of the house, because my dad won't understand why I am here and the car is not. Oh, and the woman I drove into is fine, her car aswell, just scratches. My bumper's paint on the other hand cracked and even came off on several areas.


Anyway, I am going to cheat on my diet now. I deserve it with all the stress, although I cheated most of last week.


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