Sunday, July 1, 2012


Most people in this world have a natural sense of what is wrong and what is right. I am not just focusing on people I know, I am focusing on what I experience.

Car guards feel that they have a purpose, but really, they don't. They're not even allowed to be car guards. Here's an interesting fact. No, not a fact, a law. Under the PSIRA Act, the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority Act, a person may be a security officer if he or she has gone for security training, obtained a grade, and is registered with PSIRA. If a security guard is on duty, he or she must have his or her security card, just like police officers, security guards also have identification cards.

The reason I don't like car guards, is because they are the level above beggars. They also have this obscene idea in their heads that what they are doing is a job, and people owe them money for standing around, along with the idea that the world owes them everything. Not just that, I refuse to give them money, and then they blow down my tires, and scratch my car. They really are awesome members of society... Luckily, there is a going petition where I work to get rid of the car guards in Hatfield, thanks to Oxford Old English Pub. I don't know why the police, metro police, and security officers just do their jobs in the first place. It blows my mind!

For further reading, please visit:

Obviously, because I'm South African, my next rant is taxi drivers. I vote them the worst drivers in the world, and yes, I do believe they drive worse than the videos I've seen of driving in India. They, don't stop in front of that big white line in the road, they usually stop with their rear tires on that line, leaving no space, but between the cars, for pedestrians to cross. They drive over red lights and stop signs, and then they stop in the middle of a lane with their emergency lights on. They change lanes and turn without using signal lights. And I personally believe that they all wanted to be race car drivers. The taxis are not roadworthy, and the drivers think they are gangsters. Now, a real gangster is John Dillinger, Pete Pierpont, Charles Makley, Russell Clark, Herman Lamm, Frank Lucas, Griselda Blanco, Al Capone, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera, Anthony “Fat Tony” Salermo, Carlos Lehder, Meyer Lansky, Joseph Kennedy, Pablo Escobar, Amado Carrillo Fuentes, and the list can go on and on... The Urban Dictionary expalains a gangster as:

There are two types of "gangster":

1) A wannabe thug, often illiterate and an inhabitant of a downtrodden ghetto that hangs around in "gangs"; largely associated with the African-American subculture. These try-hard wanna be "gangstas" attempt to make themselves appear like real criminals by graffiting buildings, smoking/selling drugs and trying to looking all "bad-ass and macho an'-shit, yo". An utter degradation of what true gangsters represent (see below), and street wannabe "gangsta"-types don't hold a candle to what real gangsters are.

2) The *real* gangsters are those behind organised crime; most notably the Mafia. Responsible for blackmarket trade, epsionage, organised beatings/assassinations, etc. "The Godfather" portrays the archtype of true gangsters, showing the brutality of mob beatings, shootings, running rackets and abusing woman, alcohol and everything in between. The real gansters are *not* to be confused with the aforementioned definition, commonly used as it might be.

Which brings me to the conclusion that these mindless, self absorbed, raging maniacs on our roads need to be put out of business. Again, why isn't anybody stopping this?

Everyone in South Africa hates those big, orange, scew-driving, busses we have all learnt to hate. That's right, Putco busses. Probably the most hated company next to our government and Eskom. My dad and I call them crabs, because their wheel alignment is so far gone that they actually drive side ways. The drivers are just as horrible as taxi drivers, except for the fact that they don't blow their horns 50 000 times a day. They cause a lot of accidents, which I like to call "population control", but it's still not right. I have a lot of sayings, and one of them is "learn how to drive before you get on the road". And then there's also "How the fuck is your driving?". I think the third biggest killer in South Africa must be Putco busses, right next to HIV/AIDS, and robberies. Thank you Putco for doing a killer job!

I think the point that I am trying to make, once again, is that authorities just do what they are supposed to do, our lives would be better. But not just a little bit, like paying off all your debt better. The relief we would have in this country would make it an even more amazing place to live.

I'll leave with this image, and remember, be thankful for what you have... We live in a combat zone and you can lose anything at any given time...


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