Thursday, June 14, 2012

Resistance training

I just had to blog about my experience tonight. It's all about resistance training, as the title suggests.

To normal people, resistance training looks like this:

My experience is somewhat different. I started walking and jogging this week, and well, tonight after almost killing myself with the use of my shoes, I decided to go for a cool down walk with my sister's dog.

This is Bruno:

And then he grew up to be...

Now, just to get it straight, and I know you saw this coming, he took me for a walk. Resistance training now consist of trying to control a dog that chooses the speed and direction of your walks.

At one stage I had to resist by forming a triangle with Bruno, the choke chain, and myself, on the edge of the sidewalk, to keep from making the mistake the little girl in the Youtube video "Go BWAH" made.

It felt like I was abseiling, without the ropes and the height, but I was leveling out towards the evil paved road that could have cost a lot of damage for my not-so-superwoman body.

The rest of the walk, as I remember it, looked quite similar to this:

So here's a tip to everyone who needs exercise... Take the dog... Not the treadmill or the bicycle, the biggest, most adventurous, most curious, and most stubborn dog you can find, and start burning that fat away...

Just don't go BWAH!

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