Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Snails Have Teeth

I had Snapple today, the pink lemonade one. Its been over three years since I've had pink lemonade.

On the inside of the cap it reads:

This fascinated me. Then my search took me to

How do snails eat? Snails have teeth, but they are not like any teeth you’ve ever seen. Nearly all snails have radulas (RAJ u luhz). Radulas are hard, ribbonlike organs that look like tongues. Radulas contain rows of tiny teeth. Some snails have just a few teeth while others have thousands. As these teeth wear away over time, they are replaced by new ones. Snails don’t chew their food. Instead, they use their radulas to grind, grate, and tear it.

Just thought I should share this with everyone.

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