Friday, March 30, 2012

Druid Horoscope - Hazel

Some people believe that eating the nuts from the hazel tree can create visions, greater awareness, and amazing insights into life. This unusual tree with its distinctive, curly branches is said to contain ancient knowledge. The Hazel represents creativity and imagination, and the Celtics held it in high regard as a source of artistic inspiration. Despite this unique tree's appearance and meaning, Hazel people are usually rather hard to notice at first glance. They prefer to keep it low key; they are calm, quiet, and overall, nearly invisible. However, if someone makes an effort to get to know them a little bit better, they will find Hazels to be very charming and full of virtue.

Hazel people don't get involved in conversations and rarely speak their mind but when they do, they draw the most unexpected and unconventional conclusions. Hazels have their own opinion about everything. They can intuitively sum up a situation very easily.

In their youth, Hazels are sensitive and reserved. Later in life they acquire seemingly magic powers that allow them to masterfully manipulate others. They become so skillful and adept at it that their ability remains completely obscure and unnoticeable to even those they manipulate.

There are two types of Hazel Tree people, and they are polar opposites: the majority is warm-hearted, kind, and wise. At the same time, there are a few ill-minded villains who can destroy a person's life out of idle whim. These particular Hazels can be wrathful, irrational, and even cruel.

When in love, Hazels will do whatever it takes to make their loved one happy. However, if they happen to fall out of love, their ex will become their number one enemy, and Hazels will make them pay for all the pleasure they once had. Hazel people don't need anybody in order to feel happy or to feel miserable. Sometimes emotionally unstable, this sign is torn by passions. They are their own best friends and their own worst enemies.

Hazels create their own mythology; they like to color the truth. Often times they lose track of their own mistruths, or go too far in their fantasies. These people are very careful to never disclose their own true thoughts; however, they are very good at reading others and they use this talent to their advantage.

Oddly, considering their amiable and warm persona, Hazel Tree people don't always care very deeply about humanity in general. Life with a Hazel Tree person can be tough, but it is never dull.

Hazels are usually fast learners. Their intuition is impeccable. They unfortunately lack natural, easy-to-express kindness and compassion for others, but if they can learn to develop their positive traits, they will find inner harmony and respect.
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Monday, March 19, 2012

My Horoscope Today

This is so true...

You like to be in charge, Aries. That's one of your most prominent characteristics. But as a leader, you want your subordinates to fulfill their responsibilities. Right now, though, someone who is part of your team isn't doing what he or she is supposed to be doing. While you could lecture this person on responsibility and so on, it probably wouldn't do much good. Neither would emphasizing to this individual your role as leader. That leaves you to carry the burden and get things done. At least you know that what needs to be done will be done right.
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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St Patrick's Day!

I have come to the conclusion that I can not handle my alcohol anymore. Friday, after having a double Vodka and Creme Soda, I called St Patrick's Day something else... Harry Potter Day.


Anyway, I worked an eleven hour shift. And then drank a bit, people bought me alcohol. It was horrible actually. I can not stand Tequila anymore, which is funny. I used to love Tequila.

The Irish bands were awesome! I took a photo at Drop Zone with my Drop Zone friends, and I will post it as soon as they upload it.

It wasn't as fun as last year though, luckily I got a hat and a T-shirt.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Snails Have Teeth

I had Snapple today, the pink lemonade one. Its been over three years since I've had pink lemonade.

On the inside of the cap it reads:

This fascinated me. Then my search took me to

How do snails eat? Snails have teeth, but they are not like any teeth you’ve ever seen. Nearly all snails have radulas (RAJ u luhz). Radulas are hard, ribbonlike organs that look like tongues. Radulas contain rows of tiny teeth. Some snails have just a few teeth while others have thousands. As these teeth wear away over time, they are replaced by new ones. Snails don’t chew their food. Instead, they use their radulas to grind, grate, and tear it.

Just thought I should share this with everyone.

Car Wash Mania

I'm sitting at the car wash, trying to make time pass. This is taking forever.

My boss gave me a mission, take the car to the car wash, because criminals stole the car, it has been retrieved, and now the car is painted in fingerprint powder. Its black all over, inside and out.

The funny part of the day was, when I was sitting in the car wash, whilst the washer was hosing off the car. It hit me. The water. The car is not waterproof. I was soaked. Don't know why I took a shower this morning...

My problem is not taking the car to get cleaned, my problem is the cleaner demanding money. I've already paid for the service, and a tip is always needed fort someone who works hard and gets paid the minimum of minimum wage. But the way he "asked" for money is ridiculous and almost offensive.

He is slow, he loses concentration the whole time, and then walks around to go chit-chat with every one.

On a high note, my best friend started working with me today, as a waitress. She lost her job, and I thought that she might need spending money, so, I kind of forced her. Peer pressure works like a charm.

She'll get is easily, we've waited together before. And she made enough money today for two packets of cigarettes.

Last night we designed a new menu, the one at the restaurant is a bit outdated. She did most of the work. I supervised. Smiley face.

Now to get it to the owner.

Challenge accepted.
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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Always moving forward. Always looking back.

Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on. - Henry Rollins
I have realized these days how fragile life is, how vulnerable people are, and how cowardly we behave in any case.

I was brought up extremely racist. "All blacks are criminals". "Don't trust blacks". Since I've been in the USA, I have worked on my problem. And racism is a problem. I have problems with many races, and religions also. But I've tried so hard, and come so far.

And then came my set back. Almost hijacked. Could have been killed.

Black mother effer.

Now I'm back where I was. And I don't want to be here. I want to see the bigger picture, realize what is true and what is not, and move forward again. The horrible thing is, my dreams, or nightmares. Killing, murdering, wiping out entire races. My dreams haunt me. But they make me feel like I got closure. That's the scary part. I like it. I like revenging my enemies. Even if it is only in my imagination.

I keep dreaming that I drove over him, the hijacker, I drove over him, and I knew he was coming, I planned his murder, and I felt better.

If I had driven over him in real life, would I have saved lives?

That is always the question, I think. If you kill someone in self-defense, did you save a life? Maybe two? Maybe he would have been caught after murdering you, and you wouldn't have saved lives. But there is always the risk, isn't there?

If someone gets caught for stealing, how many times did he steal before getting caught? If someone gets caught for making child pornography, how many children did they molest before being caught?

How many ex-convicts are caught for latter crimes? Could it have been prevented?

We should always stay positive. We should smile, and be friendly, be delightful, give money to the poor, help the homeless, and basically feed the roaches.

In India, if women can't afford having children, and they fall pregnant, they will break their children's limbs to make them look disabled, or burn out their eyes with acid. In many Hindu traditions, spiritual seekers, known as sadhus, beg for food. This is because fruitive activity, such as farming or shopkeeping, is regarded as a materialistic distraction from the search for moksha, or spiritual liberation. So, living off of other people is better than to work for yourself?

How many days will a beggar beg before seeking a job? That is a real riddle. This riddle is unsolvable. There is no answer. But the truth is, if you feed the roaches, they will never leave. People complain about roaches, but they keep feeding them. If you give them money, they will expect money the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, until we stop feeding them, or they are removed. Can the country really support a population of 50,586,757 with a 25% unemployment rate?

That means that 12,140,821 people do not have an income.

While people do not have income, others that have an income do not want to work. They strike for more income, but do less work. Why does a working man refuse to work for his salary, whilst an unemployed man seeks work for food? Another unsolvable riddle.

I want to build a future for myself and the people in this country. If I can build an empire, a business that is unsinkable, I can succeed. But where to start? How to decide what to do? How to change the ethic work standards of a country?

I can not employ 12,140,821 people, but I can make a difference, and one day I will. I'm either going to be a Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson, or I am going to be a Adolf Hitler. But either way, I will make a difference.

Our approach to existential risks cannot be one of trial-and-error. There is no opportunity to learn from errors. The reactive approach — see what happens, limit damages, and learn from experience — is unworkable. Rather, we must take a proactive approach. This requires foresight to anticipate new types of threats and a willingness to take decisive preventive action and to bear the costs (moral and economic) of such actions. —Nick Bostrom

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Shavathon 2012

This year was the first year that I participated in the Shavathon. Its for cancer.

You either shave your hair off, or you spray it. Seeing that I've been growing my hair back, I decided not to shave it off. Woohoo!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gun meets Window

On 03/03/2012 at approximately 20:00 on the corner of Old Johannesburg Road and Hendrik Verwoerd Drive, I stopped at a red light, behind a blue Dutsan which was driving 40 km/h the whole time. I was looking at the GPS, when a man running behind me caught my eye. The next moment, BOOM! And then I spun away, almost driving into the stupid Dutsan, and I was extremely shaken up. Adrenaline.

Shatterproof windows saved my life.

You can almost make out where the gun hit the window, and we know its a gun, because there were no dust particles or sand, so it wasn't a brick, and if it were a crowbar, it would have gone right through the window. Top right you can see where it hit. If it wasn't for my shatterproof windows, they would have found my corpse today.

I'm not traumatized, but driving home was a nightmare. I have never been so paranoid in my life.