Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pulling on the String

Maybe it just feels as though everything is falling apart. I don't have a job, working on it. The new boy is getting old and irritating. My studies are weeks behind. And its all my fault.

It reminds me of where Shrek tells Donkey that onions have layers. Peeling off my layers to find out whats really important seems to be a difficult task. There are too many things I want to do, and just too little motivation. It makes giving up look easy. And it is. Too easy.

Finding the silver lining is easy.

Motivations are found in quotes. Deeds happen in the spur of the moment.

So, plan of action is too rush my assignments, get rid of the new boy, and find a job fast. Although I've already communicated with my (hopefully) future temporary employer, nothing has been finalized.

I'm also thinking of paying a friend to help with my assignments. Grin. That's what lawyers are for, right? Paying for legal services.

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